What is “the more-than-human world”?

The “more-than-human world” may have signified the animals, plants, fungi, and lichens when it first came into use, but it reaches far beyond that into the soil, the rock, the heat at the core of the planet and the cold vastness of space, to the quantum and quark. 

Attitude is spirit

Yoga focuses on how to live, as does my post-doctoral research. The key is compassionate attunement. All change begins with attitude, and all attitude begins with attitude to the self. Dan Dennett, a brilliant philosopher and a fearless defendant of humane atheism, contends that we atheists must reclaim the notion of spirit as it’s understoodContinue reading “Attitude is spirit”

The Way

I think this is what sages have been talking about for generations. Thich Nhat Hahn has said this time and again.Jesus of course could be said to have said this: I am The Way. But the I that he referred to is itself The Way. It is love, compassion, and the cooperation of all things with each other that we have the possibility of becoming one with.